Putas que me he gastado las pestañas con esto de los transgenicos.
Nunca sabre si mis gestiones, cartas, emails, telefonazos han servido para algo más que aumentar mi exposición, sacrificar la familia y la empresa y aprender kilos de cosas nuevas. El tiempo lo dirá, aunque yo pienso que en algo han ayudado a definir una postura positiva como la que estamos comenzado a ver.
Dear Juanse!
In the spirit of good cooperation among beekeepers, I would like to invite you to participate in our upcoming EPBA meeting in Brussels. This is a general meeting - not specific to the GMO issue, but it will be on the agenda.
We have been able to secure the opportunity to conduct part of our annual meeting in the EU Parliament and have lined up meetings with MEPs for us to be able to present our positions.
Please let us know, if are planning to join us and note the detailed information by Karl-Rainer Koch included below.
Kind regards,
Walter Haefeker
European Professional Beekeepers Association
Member of the Board of Directors
German Professional Beekeepers Association
Deutscher Berufs und Erwerbsimkerbund e.V
Hoy me llegó una invitación (que también decline) a participar en la reunión de fines de mes de la EPBA. No tengo ni plata para ir, ni tiempo. Me voy de vacaciones familiares el 1 de febrero y estoy de cabeza cosechando para poder lograrlo. Además que tengo que dejar solucionado los temas impositivos, Directorio y otras vainas que vienen con el cargo.
Dear Juanse!
In the spirit of good cooperation among beekeepers, I would like to invite you to participate in our upcoming EPBA meeting in Brussels. This is a general meeting - not specific to the GMO issue, but it will be on the agenda.
We have been able to secure the opportunity to conduct part of our annual meeting in the EU Parliament and have lined up meetings with MEPs for us to be able to present our positions.
Please let us know, if are planning to join us and note the detailed information by Karl-Rainer Koch included below.
Kind regards,
Walter Haefeker
European Professional Beekeepers Association
Member of the Board of Directors
German Professional Beekeepers Association
Deutscher Berufs und Erwerbsimkerbund e.V
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