Mi Otro Blog

Mi otro Blog

miércoles, febrero 23, 2011

Ha muerto un grande!!

A través de Bee-l me informo que murió Dave Cushman.

Lamentable perdida para la apicultura mundial.

Dave mantenía una impresionante página web con el registro/rescate de todo tipo de tecnología apícola.

Confío que alguien sepa continuar dicho esfuerzo.

My life has been hectic and full of many excesses, I have lived and loved up to the hilt. I have done more than most people could cram into ten lifetimes. I've hardly made a mark on history, but I have enjoyed myself and I hope I have enriched the life of others. Should I die tomorrow I have no regrets, and if I were to have my time again I would make all the same mistakes... Simply because any changes would alter everything and I would not be the same person that I am now.

Update 11-03-2014
Me alegra leer - nuevamente en la Bee-L - y esta vez a través de James Fischer :

Dave Cushman asked several people, myself among them, to spider and archive his site, and keep it up after he was no longer among us. He may thereby become the first "immortal" beekeeper, in that people will continue to thank him, many perhaps not even realizing that he passed on.

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