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sábado, noviembre 27, 2010

Como que comenzó la histeria !!!!

Estamos por llegar a diciembre y aún no se afirma la cosa. Estamos recién sacando nuestras primeras reinas y prestos para los primeros núcleos sureños. Las colonias están bonitas, pero sigue sin comenzar el flujo fuerte. Todo como pasmado, lento. Todo lo que se había atrazado (particularmente el maqui - Aristotelia chilensis) ahora se está adelantando.

Ya vemos a la vera del camino las primeras flores azules (Echium sp), el voqui colorado (Cissus strata) ya se termino en Temuco y Gorbea, las moras todas abotonadas.

Falta temperatura. Que se afirme el verano antes que lentamente y por los frios vientos SW se seque todo. Es un hecho que todo está muy enrarecido.

Podemos ver las primeras flores de Chicory, que indica el fin de la temporada: y eso que
aún no comienza.

Quién entiende!.

Por de pronto las únicas que nos han dado algo son las 300 colonias que tenemos en Cocule, La Unión metidas en el raps-canola. En una limpieza y ordenamiento sacamos 3 tarros. El martes las vamos a ver denuevo para, esperamos, cosechar seriamente.

Mientras tanto estamos apurados saliendo de los huertos de arándano en Vilcún para movernos a la cordillera a juntar, confiamos que, Tineo en cantidad.

La montaña está igual de extraña. El maqui terminando, los notros rojos, el Tineo al 50%, el voqui colorado partiendo, la hualputra macoyando, la mora abotonando, el ulmo tirando chupones de crecimiento, la tiaca paniculando.

Ya subimos dos cargas, 240 colonias con un alza lista para ser estirada y llena de miel. La madrugada del lunes subimos otras dos cargas.

En paralelo en Gorbea otra cuadrilla estará nucleando para poner las primeras 300 reinas vírgenes a fecundarse y dejar lindas las colmenas para partir a la montaña. Al Tineo no llegaran pero si a la Tiaca

En Freire han llegado varios enjambres al material acanchado. Los nucleos nortinos estan comenzando a ser pasados a cámara de cría y confiamos en el quintral del boldo, para que crezcan y junten algo de miel.

Los nortinos ya se comenzaron a mover, me imagino que saliendo de las polinizaciones de paltos costeros. Hemos visto los primeros camiones de Sandoval en la carretera. También el raps de los alrededores de Temuco está terminando y eso indica que comenzaran a migrar a Chiloé y al Bosque valdiviano.

Los pastos se secan, el norte se seca.

Comienza la histeria, se escribe la historia.

miércoles, noviembre 17, 2010

Anti-bee-otics o de Cómo se crea una Marca?

Ahora hay que ver si finalmente sube el precio de la miel de Ulmo y las otras que producimos en el Bosque Valdiviano muchos apicultores chilenos. Si es chileno es bueno, aunque el negocio lo hagan los extranjeros.

Otra del señor Corchete:

Scientists have discovered a remarkable ultra-pure honey which can kill MRSA and other lethal antibiotic-resistant bugs.

The sweet food can be used as a potent cream or added to wound dressings to blast stubborn bacteria.

Researchers believe it will transform the treatment of virulent hospital infections such as MRSA and E.coli and be on the market within two years.

It could also be put into sore throat lozenges or medicated chewing gum.

Dr James Brennan, who is working with a team of scientists in Ireland at Healing Honey International, said: "This is a natural product with supernatural powers. It's like a shotgun that blows micro-organisms out of the water.

"It has worked in thousands of trials and has the potential to reduce MRSA in hospitals significantly.

"It can kill particularly virulent bugs that antibiotics and conventional antiseptics are failing to have an effect on."

He added: "I have been a practising scientist for a number of years and it is very rare that you get the opportunity to say, 'Wow'. But this is a genuinely exciting breakthrough that could make a great contribution to world health."

Grown in an isolated region of southern Chile, the honey - called ActiveH2O2NEY - was found and developed by British horticulturist and beekeeper Ian Staples, 63.

It is free from pollutants and contains a range of natural properties including hydrogen peroxide.

Patente en NZ
(21) 587355 (22) 13 Aug 2010
(54) Antimicrobial Compositions
(51) A61K36/00; A61K38/44; A23L1/08
(71) Healing Honey International Ltd
(72) Barrett, John Reginald; Brennan, James Joseph; Patton, Thomas
Patrick; Staples, Ian Laurence;
(31) 1010944.5 (32) 29 Jun 2010 (33) GB
(31) 1013150.6 (32) 4 Aug 2010 (33) GB
(74) JAMES & WELLS, Level 12, KPMG Centre, 85 Alexandra Street,
Hamilton, New Zealand

Autoreferencia y buen marketing

El Equipo

cambio de direccion, socios


Company Number:07146235
Company Address:8 KING EDWARD STREET
Company Type:Private Limited Company
Company Status:Active
Company Industry:None Supplied

La investigación Sligo

Manuka Honey as a wound treatment

A HRB-funded project, examining the use of honey in the healing of wounds has made a potentially significant breakthrough in the battle against chronic wounds. Dr. Georgina Gethin initiated the study when she was a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Sligo General Hospital and was awarded a HRB Fellowship to conduct a RCT (Randomised Controlled Trial) using Manuka honey in the treating of chronic leg ulcers.

The effects of Active Manuka honey in the cleansing (debridement) and healing rates of wounds, as well as in antimicrobial activity, were compared to the effects of a standard hydrogel, both under compression, over a 12-week period. After the treatment period, it was determined that the group treated with honey experienced a higher rate of debridement (removal of dead, damaged, or infected tissue), significantly faster healing and reduced infection than in the group treated with the standard gel. Particularly striking in the study, was the information about effectiveness of Active Manuka Honey on wounds with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Of 10 wounds that were affected with MRSA at the start of the study, seven of the wounds showed no presence of the bacteria after just four weeks of treatment with Manuka honey. These initial results, from a RCT using active Manuka honey in the dressing of wounds points to a possibly significant breakthrough in the battle against the hospital superbug, MRSA.

The Bussiness of Research


AN IRISH college has discovered there's money in honey


Sligo Institute of Technology has just signed a licensing agreement with a leading American company following research it conducted into manuka honey -- believed to have unique healing powers.

The institute research team isolated the curative properties of the honey and showed how they could be produced synthetically. Now HemCon plans to use the discovery for wound care, control of hospital-acquired infections and oral hygiene applications. It's also looking at other uses such as teeth whitening.

The research deal is worth at least $1m a year in royalties over the next 12 years to the Sligo Institute. Some of this will be ploughed back into further research and development at the institute.

The manuka discovery was made by a three-member research at the institute -- Drs James Brennan, John Barrett and Tom Patton.

"During their research into the curative properties of manuka honey they almost by accident discovered a particular synthetic way to produce the same effect and they were able to isolate this" said Niall McEvoy, innovation manager at the Institute.

HemCon, based in Portland, Oregon, aims to commercialise the product. Mr McEvoy said it was examining the possibility of the base product being manufactured in Sligo.


Algunas de las Patentes del equipo irlandes Sligo



La compañia que les compró la idea


Ulmo Honey, a Very Pure and Special Type of Honey

Encontré un link que habla maravillas de la miel de Ulmo.

Por supuesto, como toda información de la internet hay que creerle la mitad de lo que dice, pero en general correcto.

Destaco las condiciones medicinales de la miel de Ulmo, de la que ya he hablado en posteos anteriores.

"Ulmo honey from Chile is one of those rare types of honey discoveries. This organic honey I first discovered at the National Honey Show in Addlestone, England during a wonderful visit in October 2009."

"This honey has that unique factor similar to the famous Manuka honey; this is what makes it so special."
"This honey has been extensively researched by scientists at the Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile, the University of Chester, England and a research company in Germany."

Through some research in Germany, this kind of honey has been shown to treat with great results the wounds sustained by child leukaemia victims.

These wounds did not respond well to man-made antibiotics. Very impressive and a heart warming discovery I’m sure you’ll agree.

Further testing has revealed this special honey mixed with water makes a highly effective energy drink.

Why buy a mixture of chemicals to give you an energy boost which really doesn’t last very long when you could make your own which lasts far longer and is doing you a power of good at the same time!


Pure Ulmo honey is mainly harvested from the natural rain forests of Sothern Chile where the honey bees enjoy an abundance of nectar from which to make their honey. The nectar comes from the very pretty white flower, likened to the camellia, of the Ulmo tree.

When in full bloom the flowers from the Ulmo tree are so thick that you could be forgiven for mistaking from a distance this beautiful sight as a soft white comfortable blanket!

sábado, noviembre 13, 2010

Gondwana y los Primos del Ulmo

Me encontré en Flickr con una interesante presentación respecto a la flora de Gondwana, o de cuando los del hemisferio sur estabamos pegados y eramos una sola tierra.

Son varios los primos del Ulmo al otro lado del pacifico, y lo más sorprendente es que cada día los botánicos encuentran más familiares suyos.

Veanlo uds. mismos aquí

Bueno también hay otras similitudes (los nothofagus por ejemplo), lo que me hace preguntarme por la famosa Manuka.

Habrán Manukas en Chile?

Sus mieles serán activas?